Diagnose your diesel with new HotshotSecret.com tool

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Lubrication Specialties Inc., creator of the Hot Shot’s Secret line of products, released a web-based interactive engine diagnostics tool concurrent to the Mid-America Trucking Show, ongoing in Louisville today. The new online tool is meant to help pickup and semi-truck drivers quickly diagnose diesel engine issues based on model-specific symptoms.

“Many drivers prefer to fix engine issues on their own to limit expenses,“ explains Chris Gabrelcik, CEO of Lubrication Specialties Inc. “But self-diagnosis and treatment can often lead to bigger problems down the road. We want to help save truckers both time and money by giving them a user-friendly tool that makes self-diagnosis and care simple and effective.”

With only a few clicks – vehicle type, engine model, and symptom – Diagnose Your Diesel provides drivers with issue identification and suggestions for repair. Engine problems such as excessive black or white smoke, hot starts and misfires are explained with some specific maintenance suggestions included for several truck and engine models of major brands.

The company’s “powered by science” approach, LSI says, was baked into the development of the new tool. Lubrication Specialties Inc. conducted testing and consultation with trusted mechanics and diesel specialists to ensure the validity of recommendations. A curriculum-development specialist was additionally involved for creation of an optimal decision tree. Experienced customer service representatives are also available to tool users for immediate and additional guidance on engine issues.  Take a test-drive of the tool via this link.