Faith, family and food

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Updated Jul 7, 2014


Happy birthday to our beloved Motherland. Home of the free, land of the brave. There are a lot of people who will dispute just how free we really are, and the fact those people have the right to voice that opinion is proof of just how free they actually are.

We spent the past three weeks traveling across and back through this beautiful country, and each time I have the opportunity to do this, I’m again overwhelmed by the diverse beauty of the place in which we live. And while I’m not crazy about our current government situation, I still realize how lucky we are to live here.

I’m thankful for out forefathers, the people who had the guts to stand up to tyranny and oppression. I hope we can one day find people with the sense and guts to lead us back to the standard of those who came before us.

Safe travels to those who won’t be home to enjoy the faith, family and food on the fourth. We appreciate what you do to make sure our families have what they need to enjoy the holiday.

God bless America, and let freedom ring.

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