One quarter down: Economic impact of new hours rule?

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Updated Oct 22, 2013

With the July-September three-month period down since the hours changes went into effect, putting new limitations on use of the 34-hour restart as well as requiring mandatory 30-min. off-duty break periods for commercial drivers before driving eight hours, a report on Werner Enterprises’ numbers delivered to stockholders showed some real-world economic impact. You can read a report on the company’s Q3 earnings here, but the crucial number here is the miles-per-truck number, down 3.5 percent following the institution of the new rules. The company’s profit was down 15 percent in the same period.

This poll was conducted at over the third week following the hours of service revision’s effective enforcement date of July 1. How would you answer today?This poll was conducted at over the third week following the hours of service revision’s effective enforcement date of July 1. How would you answer today?

Wendy Parker discussed lost revenue due to a couple of loads that were out of reach as a consequence of the new rules very early on after their implementation, but otherwise I have heard little of a quantitative sort from operators since. Have you seen direct mileage and/or revenue reductions over the last quarter yourself? If so or if not, let’s keep the conversation on the rules ongoing. Share any good examples in the comments. 

And following find a video interview with Maverick’s Steve Williams, conducted by the folks at ATA following Williams’ testimony in the House of Representatives questioning the FMCSA’s cost-benefit analyses of new provisions in the rule. There is, of course, ongoing concern over the fact that the agency did not complete the MAP-21-mandated real-world impact study prior to implementing the rule, so many of Williams’ points remain valid today.  

[youtube _CI5kbe2ksU nolink]

Trucker’s Wife tee
The folks behind the “My Crazy Life as a Trucker’s Wife” Facebook page have been promoting a sale before they retire their nifty logo —  forever. Through tomorrow, Tuesday, October 22, the tee-shirt pictured below can be ordered via this page for $16, long-sleeve hoodie for $30. Be advised… 


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