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Insistent broker accidentally FaceTimes with nude driver on rest break

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Maybe the most annoying thing about brokers is that often, they actually do end up getting their way. Carriers do end up downloading apps and consenting to some tracking and data collection to work with a broker. A broker who calls and calls and calls might eventually get through, and still likely gets their load delivered. With Convoy, even a broker that didn't pay might still get carriers back on the platform

But sometimes getting what you want isn't all it's cracked up to be, as was the case when one junior employee at a mega broker recently ended up face-to-face, or perhaps even more than that, with a nude trucker on a mandatory rest break. 

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Hector Adrian Esquivel Rodriguez is a cross-border freight specialist for Load Partner, among a few other outfits, and on LinkedIn recently he recounted the story of a mega broker intern who got more than she bargained for. 

Rodriguez mostly dispatches produce loads across the border, which he says is generally fraught with delays caused by cheap brokers not wanting to pay hourly warehousing fees for their loads once they've crossed. 

As Rodriguez told the story: "This girl called me on Monday at 7 a.m. and said, 'Hey I have this load, I need to do four pickups in Pharr, Texas, and they're all very close.' That was the first lie."

The pickups were at least 20-30 minutes away, and when the driver got there, the loads were nowhere to be found.