Memorial Day fun with Heister’s hot rod — and a new truck

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Updated May 29, 2012

New Truck EditYesterday, owner-operator Dan Heister invited myself and the family out to his new place in Tennessee Ridge, Tenn., near his former home in Erin, for a cookout with various other friends and family. Something of an early Memorial Day celebration, as Heister was setting out today with a northeast-bound load of rock in his new 2004 International (pictured, replacing a model of similar vintage but much higher mileage), he took some time out of the afternoon to fire up the early-1970s Ford Gran Torino hot rod he and his son Jake have in process for the local racetracks.

You may remember the car, mentioned and pictured as part of reporting on the blog here last year attendant to my feature in Overdrive about Heister’s Owner-Operator of the Year Big Block Motoraward last year. Better yet, the engine — last time I saw it was on the occasion of this picture, taken in December 2010 at Heister’s old place in Erin.

Yesterday, I heard it, roaring down Olson Lane Rd. out front of Heister’s new place with a childhood friend of Heister’s from Iowa behind the wheel.

Next up: racing stripes, possibly a new radiator, and off to the tracks.

Big thanks to the Heisters for having us out yesterday. Their place there is an idyll, no doubt — two horses (Buck and Duke), pond, trees perfect for swings (and hey, not only is Heister an award-winning owner-operator, the man gets huge points from my daughter for his 20-minute, tops, fashioning of the best tree swing she’d ever seen), and loads of good cheer.

Here’s hoping your Memorial Day, whether on the road or back at the house, is a fine one. A few pictures from the day are below; enjoy.

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Hammock Shot