‘Suicide by truck’ on I-35E in Texas caught on owner-operator’s dashcam

Suicide by Truck screenshot

Owner-operator Jack Rivera wants “my fellow truckers out there to really think about the possibility that anything can happen” on the roads, he says. “Even things you have not even thought about before.”

The incident pictured here involved an auto driver under the influence of alcohol and suicidal as she pulled head-on into the path of the rig in front of Rivera’s truck. She survived, with injuries, to be charged with DUI and attempted manslaughter.

The trucker in the rig ahead, as well as another auto driver, were injured, testament to the collateral damage such incidents bring about. Says Rivera, ““It’s shocking to see something so deliberate. I’ve seen all kinds of bad wrecks in my 10-year career, but this kind of thing stays with you.”

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