KeepTruckin updates to address ‘unidentified driving’

The KeepTruckin company has altered workflows at the administrative side of its electronic logging device software to assist carriers and independent owner-operators with so-called “unidentified driving” — sometimes referred to “unassigned driving” — events logged by an ELD when a driver is not connected and the vehicle is driven.

Such events have been a problem in a variety of ELDs when dropped connections occur between the ELD and the driver’s login, or other connection issues. Some owner-operators and fleets utilizing other systems have reported such problems to Overdrive within the last year, including owner-operator Jon Hose, whose issues with the former One20 F-ELD were chronicled in last week’s edition of the Overdrive Radio podcast.

Reconciling “unidentified driving” events captured from a given truck might be comparatively simple for a one-truck independent owner-operator, but as KeepTruckin notes, for small fleet managers with a multiplicity of such events, trucks and driver logins to manage, “looking through each event and determining the right driver can become time-consuming very quickly.”

To “streamline this review process,” the company notes it has updated its administrative portal with an “Assign & Annotate” feature. It newly gives administrator logging in the ability to annotate unidentified-driving events. Updated drive-time assignment features contain the ability to assign driving time with a single click.

Unlike with previous-generation Automatic Onboard Recording Devices (AOBRDs), any edit to a driver’s log in an ELD is required to be approved by the driver himself.

The updates to the KT ELD, the company says, improve the workflow management aspects of unidentified driving time events. as the company puts it, “you can quickly see the drivers who connected to the ELD before and after the event, and choose the driver.”