Tonight: Chat with ex-IRT bad boy Dave Redmon

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Updated Nov 15, 2011

Dave RedmonDave Redmon

Embattled “Ice Road Trucker” star Dave Redmon will be available for a live video chat and question and answer session Tuesday, Nov. 15, at 9 p.m. EDT. The chat is part of Truckers News’ Celebrity Series.

In the next to last episode of the fifth season of the History Channel’s “Ice Road Truckers” series, the cantankerous  Alabama native was fired and boarded a plane home. In only the second episode of the spinoff “IRT: Deadliest Roads,” which spotlights hauls in the Andes in Bolivia and Peru, Redmon left, citing unsafe equipment as the reason.

In the chat on Nov. 15, Redmon will discuss anything from his experiences driving the Dalton Highway in Alaska, the Himalayan roads in India and the crumbling mountain paths in Bolivia to his issues with the History Channel and more.

Register now for the free chat session.