Suck it up, buttercup!

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Updated Oct 28, 2012

Please Entertain Me Im Bored Hat P148443495692666158enxqz 400

Dear Carolyn,

I got laid off from a good job and have been unemployed for about four years. The bank foreclosed on my house and car and I had to move back home with my parents. The good news is that my dad paid for me to go to truck driving school where I did well and earned my CDL. I got on with a good company and am now completely out of debt. So far, all is good. However, I don’t understand how truckers stand the boredom of driving all day and night. I listen to the radio, chat on the CB and have a stack of books on tape that help pass the time. It’s such mindless, boring work that I feel like a trained monkey could do it. I don’t know if I’m going to be able to stand it over the long haul. What should I do?



Suck it up, buttercup. Plenty of unemployed folks out there that would be happy to trade places with you. Get over yourself. Be thankful you have a job. Want what you have. All of that.

I’m just say’n,


PS. Readers? What would you tell Derek?


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