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pFreight offers you more online

Technology drives the world today. It affects everything we see and touch. Our children are more advanced at 10 than we were at 20, using pagers, cell phones and wireless handheld computers at school. With all the bells and whistles, cool gadgetry, and fancy talk, some real-world applications make the hype mean something.

pFreight takes advantage of new technology in a very productive way. Through the Internet, pFreight provides tools that help small carriers cope with rising costs and competition. Offering everything from discount fuel cards and load searching to business-management tools, the company is building a suite of services that encompasses the needs of small carriers.

Next, pFreight will work to unify small carriers into a more powerful group that maintains its individualized nature but has the power and resources of a larger organization. Working together under the pFreight standard, small carriers can pool their resources with those of other carriers to gain larger freight contracts and higher pay rates. pFreight powers the engine, providing central billing, collection, settlements, tracking and tracing, communications, and many other services.

The best thing about pFreight’s model for the customer is how little it costs to take advantage of this technology. Many new customers already have what they need; others need only a new cell phone to start.

Trucking is an intensely fragmented industry in which success is often determined by the relationships carriers build and maintain. Fleets achieve growth and success by working with other companies. In many instances, however, working together requires technology. pFreight offers that technology. To find out more, visit pFreight or call (888) 839-3743.
