March 2002


Prime Inc., Springfield, Mo., has given leased owner-operators Jeff and Jean Bender of Inverness, Fla., the use of a 2002 Freightliner for a year.

Any Prime driver who recruits 20 or more drivers in a year is eligible for the honor. The Benders recruited 30 drivers in 2001 and earned more than $20,000 in recruiting bonuses.

Jeff Bender, who is retired from the U.S. Air Force, helped design the truck’s graphics, which include eagles, U.S. flags and the Air Force motto “Aim High.”


Roadway Express launched an air-freight service, Roadway Air, which will focus on shipments weighing at least 150 pounds.

Roadway Air will not compete with FedEx and UPS, says Roadway Express spokesman Bill Michael. Nor will Roadway Air operate its own fleet of planes, instead contracting with major airlines, Michael says.

Roadway also will offer next-day-delivery this year using the facilities of Arnold Transportation Services, the dedicated short-haul carrier Roadway acquired in 2001.


C.R. England, Salt Lake City, honored Jean Osborn for 1 million accident-free miles.

Werner Enterprises, Omaha, Neb., named Gary Higgins its December Owner-Operator of the Month.

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