I would like to agree with Ann L. Sanders’ February letter about truckers urinating in truck stop and rest area parking lots. I have driven for 37 years, and my wife has driven with me for about four years. The stench of urine in some parking lots is more than we can take, and I have even hauled cattle.
We see baggies with urine in them just thrown out of trucks as drivers leave. If a driver is so lazy that he cannot walk 20 steps to throw his trash into a receptacle, he has no business on the road. We all need exercise after sitting behind the wheel.
We want respect, so let’s earn it. Mother does not follow you around anymore. One of these days we will be paying to park because the truck stops will need to hire help to pick up after you.
Jim Berry
Byron, Okla.
I am a 50-year-old driver who recently left the ranks of one of the largest transportation firms in the United States because of the loading and unloading issue. I was then amused to get home and find the article written by Andy Duncan in the March issue regarding this subject [“Taking Your Lumps”].
Sometimes I wonder about the collective intelligence of the trucking community. Commerce and industry could be crippled in one day of truck shutdowns, and yet we seem to plod along in false allegiance to these companies that require drivers to unload. How is it that shippers and consignees can wield such authority that they can usurp federal code?

Ken Whitford
Apple Valley, Calif.
My father retired from a career as a truck driver after more than 3 million miles. I also have my CDL and drive enough to appreciate what over-the-road drivers have to put up with on a regular basis. We enjoy your publication and the information it provides. My son, who is 5, likes to look at the pictures. Keep up the good work!
James Didawick
Woodstock, Va.