Company to offer CSA 2010 driver scorecards

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A private firm plans to offer to drivers scorecards that reflect Comprehensive Safety Analysis 2010 driver ratings.

By mid-December via, says Vigillo President Steven Bryan, the company will offer all drivers in their system access to their own scorecard free of charge. CSA 2010, after field testing for months in certain states, goes into effect nationwide this month.

Other development related to CSA 2010 and the FMCSA’s Pre-employment Screening Program germane to issues were discussed in November at a conference of carrier recruiting personnel in Nashville, Tenn. Driver safety practices were noted as becoming more crucial to driver pay because of the scrutiny CSA 2010 puts on carriers.

Jet Express President Kevin Burch envisioned mileage pay scales being tied more specifically to safety. Drivers “can use this scorecard to their advantage,” Burch said, referring to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s internal CSA 2010 methodology, which rates drivers for targeting problems in carrier interventions.

Though FMCSA decided it would not release driver rating information to the public, third-party firm Vigillo says this month it will make available, free of charge, a “Roadside Résumé” to the more than 1 million drivers with data in the firm’s system.

Vigillo has long offered carriers the ability to rate their current drivers using FMCSA’s published Driver Safety Measurement System methodology. Likewise, Vigillo has provided its own version of FMCSA’s Pre-Employment Screening Program reports on prospective hires in their system to subscriber carriers.

Driver scorecards will be available through Vigillo to prospective employers with driver consent, making the company for the first time a “specialty credit reporting agency,” Bryan says.

Just as with DAC reports and with the PSP, drivers will have an opportunity to contest erroneous information. The résumé and attendant scoring will be limited to data reported by participating carriers, Bryan says.

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FMCSA will provide a PSP report to a driver for $10. The report contains inspection and crash data (Looking back three and five years, respectively), but no scoring.