I-29 is closed at the intersection with U.S. 136 at Rock Port, Mo., in extreme northwest Missouri due to Missouri River flooding, the Missouri Department of Transporation reported June 15.
MoDOT advised travelers to use I-35. Water is not expected to affect this route.
Drivers can find the location of highways closed by water on MoDOT’s Traveler Information Map, available at www.modot.org/. Detours for closures on interstates and U.S. routes can be found at www.modot.org/flooding, along with other flood information.
“At this point, I-29 is the most heavily traveled highway affected by the water,” said Beth Wright, MoDOT state maintenance engineer. “Other highways, especially those close to the river and its backwaters, will close for many weeks. That is because some of the water yet to come is still in the form of snow up north. Travelers should plan to encounter detours in northwest and the central portion of the state through the end of the summer.”
I-29/680 interchange near Loveland, Iowa, was closed June 14 due to the flooding, the Iowa Department of Transportation said.
After the I-29/680 interchange is closed, I-29 will be closed from milepost 55 in Council Bluffs north to milepost 75 near Missouri Valley.
This will result in closures at the following locations, Iowa DOT reported:
- I-680 west- and eastbound from milepost 21 near Beebeetown (Pottawattamie/Harrison County Road L-34) to the I-29/680 interchange (milepost 71 near Loveland).
- I-29 south- and northbound lanes from the I-29/680 interchange to the I-29/U.S. 30 interchange (milepost 75 near Missouri Valley).
Iowa DOT maintains a flood hotline at (866) 452-8510 from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily. After hours, call 511 (in Iowa) or (800) 288-1047 (out of state) for a recorded message of closed roads.