Mack Pinnacle to deliver Capitol Christmas Tree

Mack Trucks is providing a custom-decorated Pinnacle Axle Back model to deliver the tree for the 2012 Capitol Christmas Tree Project from Meeker, Colo., to the Capitol.

U.S. Senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell will drive the Mack Pinnacle model delivering the tree, which will be selected from the White River National Forest in the heart of the Rocky Mountains in northwest Colorado.

The Superintendent of Grounds for the Capitol will choose the tree from candidates selected by White River National Forest staff. Once selected, the tree will be cut in early November and brought to Meeker for a celebration. Following the celebration, the tree will be wrapped and ready to embark on its multi-week journey to the Capitol.

After arriving in Washington, the tree will be decorated with almost 10,000 low-energy LED lights and thousands of ornaments. A lighting ceremony on the west lawn of the Capitol will be conducted, and the tree will remain lit throughout the holiday season.

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