January is always a good month to take stock of things in your life. It’s an understatement to say that 2001 was not such a great year, so any resolutions for next year are bound to produce something better. Here are some suggestions to overhaul your body and spirit.
Everyone needs a bit of an overhaul, and this is the best time to start a new exercise or diet program. How can you do that and be on the road as much as you are? It’s not easy. But once you make up your mind that this is going to be the year to improve your health habits, you’ve taken the first tough step.
The main ways to make an impact on your overall health are diet and exercise.
Body Work
“Diet” doesn’t mean you have to go on a diet. There are lots of ways to get started, but I like the “one half” rule. If you were going to grab a Big Gulp, get the medium size instead. If you were going to eat a Whopper, order a Whopper Jr. instead. Cutting back is easy.
“It’s impossible to exercise on the road,” is a common response to exercise suggestions. However, lots of truckers figure out how to work in a workout, even if it means locking up your rig and walking around the truckstop a few laps; it’s better than nothing. One simple idea: Keep a set of weights and a good pair of walking shoes in your rig. Then, use them.

Nothing helps the spirit more than doing something for others. Truckers are known for their generous spirit, but you don’t have to wait until you see a four-wheeler needing a tire change to help. Coach a team on the weekends; join a church; volunteer at a homeless shelter. Doing for others can put your own troubles into perspective.
Resolve to make this year the year you get organized. If you don’t know your cost-per-mile right now, figure it out. Start keeping better records. Keep up with your paperwork. Get your taxes ready early. Do one thing every month to lower your expenses.
Read a good book or listen to one on audiotape. Truckers News has monthly book reviews to help you choose anything from a self-help book to a thriller.
All these tips are good reminders that in spite of sometimes grim trucking and economic news, a New Year is a new beginning. It’s a time to count our blessings and resolve to make the world a better place by doing our best.
Happy New Year from the Truckers News staff.