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Readers Speak Out

Kudos for Column on Women Truckers
Thanks Tim (Barton) for the kind words to the hard working women behind the wheel in your January 2002 column, “Women Needed.”

I have been hauling tanks for 14 years now. It has gotten better, but at times having to deal with the crap seems to get to me. I have my degree in nursing, and have modeled off and on, but it just doesn’t compare to what I am doing now. I am sure if I quit this business I can write a book about my over-the-road experiences and it would be a hit with the women.
Debbie Poulin
Warsaw, Ky.

Female Drivers Deserve Respect
Your magazine is informative and visually appealing. I always want to read what Truckers News has to say.

Thank you Tim Barton. Thank you from a 12-year driver, many of my fellow lady drivers and many women coming into the trucking field.

I have always “lived” while driving. Not focusing only on getting there and getting going. I won’t kill myself for a load, but I will work very hard to meet a deadline.

Trucking is a hard job. I have cried by the side of the road in Boston, been sick from my nerves on ice in Oregon and wondered if I would make it through intact.

The hardest part has been doing this alone. Men will help men, support and follow each other, but they rarely help women. I think they either have to be the leader or forget it. Perhaps they can’t let women see their fear. I can count on one hand the times I have been offered help sliding my tandems. They will jump out and help a man without asking. There have been a few gentlemen, but very few.