Alabama Trucker Running for State Lieutenant Governor

An Alabama trucker, who is Libertarian candidate for the state lieutenant governor post, is on a campaign to crack down on violent crime and hold criminals responsible.

The Montgomery resident said he decided to run for the office after his wife was held up at gunpoint. He faces Republican Bill Armistead and Democrat Lucy Baxley in the November general election.

His wife, Kellie Adams, 23, has also entered the political arena. She is running as the Libertarian candidate for revenue commissioner in the Montgomery County, where she faces incumbent Sarah G. Spear.

Lyn Adams has been a truck driver for 10 years. He works for Loftin Brothers Trucking, delivering alcoholic beverage products to the state’s Alcoholic Beverage Control stores, which handle the majority of Alabama’s alcohol sales.

Adams said he was motivated to run after Kellie Adams, was robbed at gunpoint this past December at the ABC store where she works.

“I was never even registered to vote before that,” Lyn Adams said.

He says he thinks there is a need for stronger laws against violent offenses and he hopes to influence the development of “more reasonable” sentencing guidelines.

Lyn Adams also says he will fight for the needs of the trucking industry and wants to find relief for truck drivers and companies, both of which he says pay too many taxes and deal with too many regulations. “It’s like you hear on the CB all the time,” he said. “Truck drivers say we need a truck driver in office to listen to our interests.

Lyn Adams is most excited about his idea of bringing casinos to Alabama, which, he believes, would solve the state’s budget problems. He also says casinos would be better for the state than a lottery, which has been proposed by incumbent Gov. Don Siegelman, because several surrounding states have lotteries of their own.

“When you get casinos, you also will get hotels, restaurants, entertainment centers and retail shopping,” he said.

Kellie Adams said she believes her husband would bring honesty to office.

“He’s basically saying, ‘I’ll do the best I can’ and he is trying to help,” she said.