Chilly Job, Billy Bob

James Lee Burke
Reviewed by Vicky Stowers

Listening Time: 6 hours

Publisher: Simon & Schuster Audio

Retail: $26

Genre: Suspense

Plot: A friend who needs his help calls Billy Bob Holland to Montana. From the time he gets there, Billy Bob finds himself mixed up in his friend’s troubles, and that leads to troubles for himself.

A woman’s dangerous brother accuses Billy Bob of her death. Billy Bob faces death himself if he isn’t careful. Billy Bob finds the Bitterroot Mountains fascinating and he also finds that a woman who lives there is fast becoming more than just a friend.

Main Characters: Billy Bob Holland is a former Texas Ranger and is presently a Texas lawyer. Wyatt Dixon is a recent prison parolee who has sworn to kill Billy Bob in revenge for the death of his sister. Sue Lynn is an undercover Indian government informant.

What’s best (or not)? The story was told very well. I liked everything about it.

Would you recommend? I would recommend this book to anyone who likes suspense stories. This book is spellbinding.

Narrator’s style: Will Patton is the narrator. I liked his style. He has the right voice for the story.

How would you rate the book? A+


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