Robert Lake
[email protected]
Several years ago someone sent us an anonymous e-mail with the poem, “Dear Consumer” attached. It ran as a Thanksgiving tribute to American truckers everywhere.
The reader response was huge. Truckers wrote that this poem summed up much of what they wanted to tell many fellow Americans who often have a negative image of trucking. Luckily, the author came forward and the Oregon-based, former trucker, Beverly Roller-Elrod, has given us permission to run it again. This poem originally ran in her company newsletter, “Prime Ink.”
Dear Consumer,
People have been talking and they’ve been spreading lies
So, I thought I’d tell you about my life so you can see through my eyes
I’m like your mailman, although my packages are much larger
I work through rain, sleet, hail and snow – yes, all kinds of weather
I must be on time and not a minute late
Even you don’t know how much you depend on me. I have all that you need
From tile for your bathroom floor to the magazines you read
There’s the food you put on your table and there’s the table itself
Film for pictures of your family and the frames they’re displayed in on your shelf
Red Teddy Bears and candy for Valentine’s Day, and in March – it’s anything green
Fireworks for the Fourth of July, and costumes for Halloween
November is time for turkeys, pumpkin pies and peas
At Christmas I haul your ‘little one’s’ desires, the wrappings, and even the tree
I’m rarely at home because I’m out on the road
All across this grand nation, carrying different loads
You’ve seen me many times, traveling across the countryside
Bringing things you need, from far away, to the town where you reside
You’ve seen me on the shoulder, helping a stranger fix a flat
I often help my fellow man no matter where he’s at
I know there are some bad apples who give us all a bad name
But I implore you to judge us individually. We aren’t all the same
When you sit down to watch fireworks or open presents around the tree
Remember, you wouldn’t have any of it if it hadn’t been for me
I dearly miss my family. Often for weeks I’m away
I’ve missed my son’s Little League and my daughter’s ballet
Now, I hope you’ll think differently and wave ‘Hi’ when next we meet
I’ll be waving and blowing my horn for the ‘little one’ in your back seat
Thanks Sincerely,
Your American Trucker
With the holidays approaching, this poem is a wonderful reminder that many of the things we take for granted are made possible by truckers doing their jobs.
Happy Thanksgiving.