Derrick Johnson
Memphis, Tenn.
“It’s killing me. I can’t even go to California.”
Rundell McGowan
Foxworth, Miss.
“They made a switch. We have special stops now. We used to fill up anywhere.”
Joey Hamm
TM Transport
Sledge, Miss.
“It’s not. If you can’t afford the fuel, you don’t need to be in the trucking business.”
Mike Breazeale
Southern Ionics
Meridian, Miss.
“It’s put everything in a bind. Everyone has to cut back, trying to do everything we can to cut back. It’s hard to keep contracts when it costs so much to run the truck.”
Charles Ward
Sun Delivery
Vale, N.C.
“It’s pretty hard on us. There are only certain places we can fuel up because of surcharges. It’s pretty rough.”
Joe Melendez
Mesilla Valley
El Paso, Texas
“It’s cutting down into the profits, which in turn have a tendency to charge more for freight, and it doesn’t allow the company to give drivers a pay increase.”
Tracy Pippin
Tracy Pippin Trucking
Malvern, Ala.
“It’s about to kill me.”
Jesus Rodriguez
Schneider National
Indiantown, Fla.
“I get a surcharge. I think they get out of hand. Not really much we can do.”
Kevin Embry
Handlers, Inc.
“They’re not good. They’re too high.”
Billy Henline
JB Hunt
Clinton, Tenn.
“It’s killing me. I’m an owner-operator.”

Chuck Kovarik
Rigby Trucking
Clinton, Miss.
“They’re hurting us.” n
John Borrett
California, Pa.
“I don’t know. The company pays for it.”
Dennis Smiley
Sojourner Trucking
Hazlehurst, Miss.
“They complain. [The prices] don’t affect me. I still try to get the cheapest price.”
Gary Clune
Donagary Enterprise
Lakehills, Texas
“Affected me big time. Lot more reluctant to run the West Coast, specifically California and Arizona.”
Ken Taylor
Salt Lake City
“They are killing me. We do have a fuel spike program but don’t collect surcharges from all customers.”
Jimmy Brown
Schneider National
Pageland, S.C.
“Affecting me a lot. I went from paying $600 a week [in fuel] to $900. That’s $300 out of my pocket a week. That’s $1,200 a month. That’s a house payment.”