I’m writing in agreement with Judy Harold’s letter titled “Don’t Tell Us to Move” in the June 2004 issue.
The government cannot say there is no way to have more parking. There are so many closed rest areas and closed weigh stations. With them, all they need to do is put in a couple portable toilets and a couple trash cans, and there’s truck parking! Yes, it’s really nice to walk into a beautiful rest area with fancy floors, shining tiles on the walls, but if it costs us truckers parking then I think we can deal with a port-a-potty. There is something that can be done to help us out for a change. It’s possible, but the government doesn’t want to try anything that helps the American trucker, even though we deliver their fancy suits, cigars, limo parts, fancy cars, etc.
David Cox
Mt. Gilead, Ohio
Thanks for the Guidance
I just read [Randy Grider’s] column about new drivers [“Veteran Guidance,” Editor’s Journal, August 2004], and I am really impressed with the advice some old-timers passed on. I have to tell you it took me about two years of hard thinking to decide this is what I want to do. I am 49 years old and have done many jobs since I retired from the Army. I attended a good driving school, and now I have landed a position with a small company, and I am really looking forward to getting started. I plan on copying this column and carrying it with me. I may be a newbie, but it does not mean I have to be unprofessional. Again, thanks for the advice.
Duane Thompson
Lyndonville, Vt.

Professional Language?
While driving down the road the other day, I was “honored” with the dialogue of several professional drivers. I couldn’t help but wonder what other profession would allow such language. What would you call a doctor who talked like this?
Hey, people, we have the title “professional.” Maybe it’s time we started talking like professionals.
Les and Diana Helms
Seymour, Wis.
Pet Peeve
I have raised several wonderful dogs but have not had one while driving truck for the last six years. I contacted over two dozen online shelters/rescues and walked into several other “humane” societies, and every time I was told that I could not adopt a dog because I was a trucker and it was inhumane to keep a dog in a truck.
Now, 97 percent of the dogs I see on the road look happy to be there. It just amazes me that a shelter would rather kill a dog than give one up to a truck driver.
I know dogs and understand the complications with taking one out on the road. Yeah, I also know I can go to breeder or someplace to buy one, but I wanted a dog that was a bit older, already had vet check paperwork and that might appreciate spending all of its time with someone. I wanted a good reason to take a half-hour stretch out of my truck and someone to talk to about the traffic.
I know I will find the right dog when the time comes; I just find this the most appalling stereotype and prejudice against truckers I have yet to run across.
Catherine Higgins
Wabeno, Wis.
Truck Ban
There was a city council meeting here in Cisco, Texas, about banning trucks from our town. They would not listen or allow the truckers in this city to air their feelings on this matter. This will make a hardship on our drivers. They will not allow any trucks except for delivery, and they will be timed on how long they can stay. It was decided without consent from the voting public of our town. Attention all trucking companies and drivers – this could happen where you live if it’s not stopped. They stomped on our civil rights to free speech and our ability to earn a living. Don’t let this happen where you live. We’re fighting back, and so should you!
Corliss Lewis
Cisco, Texas
Don’t Get Personal
I read the column “Keep Your ID to Yourself” [Publisher’s Notebook] in the June 2004 issue. I’ve always been a private person and live my life that way. I operate on a need-to-know basis. Since I’m on the road, that does get a little hard sometimes. Are you aware that there are shippers and receivers that want your driver’s license number or a photocopy of your CDL? I think this is wrong and should be illegal.
How do I know what someone might do once they get some information off my CDL? My home address, full name and, in some cases, social security number are now in the hands of a stranger. Maybe someone might decide to sell my information and end up getting me labeled a threat in this country because of my info being in the wrong hands. Or I could get into other kinds of trouble because of identification theft.
If a shipper or receiver needs to keep up with the load, then get my truck information and call my dispatcher to check on the load. That is part of his job.
We need to keep our personal information personal. I, for one, don’t like the idea that my personal information is in the hands of strangers. This policy must be changed.
Barbara Carmen
Myrtle Beach, S.C.
Write us
Send your letters to Randy Grider, Truckers News, 3200 Rice Mine Road N.E., Tuscaloosa, AL 35406, by fax to (205) 750-8070 or by e-mail to [email protected].
Letters must include your name, address and phone number for verification and must be no longer than 500 words.
Letters are subject to editing.