George Ganssle was born and raised in New York state. He joined the Air Force for four years and later began driving at age 35. He hauled cars for an auto-transporting company for five years and then spent the last 10 years hauling for United Van Lines Special Commodities Division.
Ganssle, 51, left UVL for six months in 2002 to attend Brookhaven College in Dallas full-time, where he enrolled in creative writing. He now hauls for Bay State Moving Systems, an agent of UVL, and resides in Nanuet, N.Y.
In the spring of 2002 my ex-wife called me. She suggested that I take our 16-year-old son, Georgie, on the road with me for the summer. “I don’t know, Pat, you remember what happened last time that I took him on a trip with me,” I told her, recalling his weeping and whining about missing his mommy after the second day out.
“Oh, for goodness sake, that was over five years ago. He was a child and homesick. He’s grown up now. He’s practically a man