Disappointing that a couple movies didn’t make the list [in the May cover story on trucking movies], like Maximum Overdrive, the Stephen King story starring Emilio Estevez and Space Truckers with Dennis Hopper.
Maximum Overdrive would be tied for first with Smokey and the Bandit on my list.
Gary Allen
Climax, Mich.
A Great Old Movie
Probably the most realistic and best trucking movie ever made in my mind is They Drive By Night.
I remember my father, who was in trucking then, took me to see it when I was small. I lived it and could relate to the characters in the movie exactly. The drivers fit the mold exactly and did for years when I was involved in trucking in the late ’50s thru the mid ’70s. Too bad deregulation came along and screwed up a great industry.
Be sure and review the movie. It’s great and shows how trucking was in the late ’30s and ’40s.
Ken Goudy
Oregon City, Ore.
New Driver, Good Driver
This is in response to Mr. Petersen’s letter [in the May issue]. I have been a long-time reader, and there have been some letters that have struck a bone with me, but none hurt as much as this one did.
I guess you have the trucking industry figured out completely. As far as drivers go, I do agree that some of these companies throw trainees out there after proving they can open the door of a big truck, and I am sure that there are some schools doing the same. But just because you have been in the industry your whole life, does that make you the No. 1 pick for the front office? I have seen guys that have been drivers for years, and I would not ride through the lot of a truckstop with them.

As you have maybe guessed, I’m a grad of a community college driving school ( an 11-week class) after a plant closing cost me my job as a welder for 15 years. I have been driving since 1997, with only one accident, which was not my fault, no tickets to me, two to the woman who ran the red light. Granted, I have not been in the industry all my life, but looking back at all the freight I have hauled over that time period, I will pat myself on the back.
And yes, I delivered in Chicago for three years, Indy for one year and a few other big cities. I’ve been hauling gasoline for the last two years, with only a few mistakes at the loading rack (who has not?), but I guess I better go back to the beginning and start pushing a broom to get into the industry the proper way. I wonder what my boss will say.
Dan Timm
Cresent City, Ill.
Get It Together
The way I see it, every corporation is trying to come up with ideas about logging, fatigue, speed of trucks, safety and alternative fuels. Why is controlling the speed of trucks in the eye of government when the companies already set the speed anyway? The government shouldn’t involve themselves in any way.
And logs? Just when the hours of service were starting to work for safety on roads with the 10 on, eight off, they changed. They should leave what is working alone.
Alternative fuels, biofuels were supposed to drive cost down; instead they sell at the same cost.
If the trucking industry ever gets it together, we can be very powerful.
Gary Shelton
Paragould, Ark.
Black Drivers Deserve Coverage
I have read and/or glanced through all the trucking magazines over the last 18 years, and I would like to know why you never do features on black drivers? This is not about race or anything like that, but I just would like to know why you have never written articles about us or never feature any products for us.
We don’t use Skoal or listen to country music, either. (All of us don’t do rap, either.) Each time I see your magazine, I look to see what you have put in there for us or about us.
Now, I drive a 2001 Peterbilt. It has 165 all-LED lights on it – a very sharp truck if I say so myself. Some of us have some bad rides, so why don’t you guys ever take the time out to talk to some of us?
Are we all the same? Don’t we do the same job? Why the difference? I’m not going to call Rev. Jesse Jackson, but just give us some time. We are out here running up and down the highway as well as our Caucasian counterparts. A lot of us have good things to say. I would love to pick up a magazine that really and truly is for everyone, meaning movies, music, books and things that will help all of us.
Donald Moss
Good Job, Tula!
I just want to send you guys a note to say, first, that I love the magazine and second that I want to give a great big thumbs up to the story you guys published, “The Anniversary Present” by Tula Smith [in the February issue]. It was one of the best stories that I have read so far. Ms. Smith did an outstanding job, and I would love to read more stories by her and about her. Great job!
Tina Grant
Statesville, N.C.