By John Randle
[email protected]
Each year there is an award season for trade magazines. Judges evaluate hundreds of business publications around the country, looking for interesting, well-written, thoroughly reported articles that stand out from the rest. It’s my pleasure to congratulate the Truckers News editorial team for raking in the medals at the American Society of Business Publication Editors meeting held in Chicago.
“On the Road With BioWillie” (June 2006) won gold in the regional category of the ASBPE Awards of Excellence. Editors recognized were Randy Grider, John Latta, Carolyn Magner and Kristin Walters, and visual design was led by Richard Street with the front-page photograph of Willie Nelson taken by Sean Kelley.
The legendary country singer is a strong proponent of biodiesel and granted an interview to Truckers News about his brand, “BioWillie.” The story focused on the pros and cons of using homegrown fuel, a concern that’s heating up as environmental pressures and tensions in the Middle East increase.
“Feel the Burn” (July 2006) won a silver regional award. The Big Rig Basics feature was written by Equipment Editor John Baxter. His story about the Environmental Protection Agency’s emissions regulations shed light on the world of diesel particulate filters. His story presented technical information in a thorough but easy-to-understand style. Also recognized for this honor: Randy Grider, John Latta, Kristin Walters and Richard Street.

“Health Stop” (April, July, October 2006) won a silver for best regular department. The series looks at some of the health issues facing truckers. Topics range from the serious to the irksome, from high blood pressure and diabetes to indigestion and toothache. Editors honored: Rachel Telehany, Randy Grider, John Latta, Kristin Walters and Richard Street.
The caliber of the competition was especially high this year, and I’m proud of my entire editorial team for continuing to bring you the highest quality reporting and writing. The three winning entries’ subjects – alternative fuel, DPFs and health – continue to be topics of great interest in the industry. The ideas and inspiration for these stories and all the articles in Truckers News are generated by readers. You are the ones who tell us what you want to read about, what your issues are and what kind of topics you’d like to see in the magazine. Lively feedback from readers keeps us fresh and on our toes. The readers of Truckers News are the real winners.
Keep the e-mail, letters and calls coming.