Make your vote count

Find out how to register to vote and send in an absentee ballot for your state.

Absentee ballots make it possible for truckers to let their opinions be heard, even from the road. The deadline to register to vote and absentee ballot rules in the 2008 General Election vary according to state. Registration applications may be obtained from either local election officials in your home county or city or through registration outreach programs sponsored by such groups as the League of Women Voters.

In addition, you can also register to vote when applying for a driver’s license or identification card at motor vehicle or driver licensing offices, as well as at many other public facilities. Details of absentee voting procedures and state websites are listed below. For online absentee applications, go to your state’s division of elections page from the main site for the secretary of state in most cases – a Google search for your state and “absentee voting” will generally yield good results as well.

Must register to vote 10 days before the election.

The completed absentee ballot may be returned to the absentee election manager by mail or it may be personally delivered. If mailed, the ballot must be postmarked no later than the day prior to the election. If hand-delivered, the ballot must be in the office of the absentee election manager by the close of business (but no later than 5 p.m.) on the day before the election.

For more information, call the Voter Hotline at (800) 274-8683 and the elections office at (334) 242-7210 or obtain an online voter registration application at

Must register to vote 30 days before the election.

The voter’s signature on the envelope must be witnessed. If the voter wishes to return the ballot by mail, it must be mailed no later than Election Day. Those who wish to absentee vote in person must do so no later than Election Day.

To obtain an online voter registration application visit

Must register to vote 29 days before the election.

Absentee ballots must be received by the county recorder or other officer in charge of elections by 7 p.m. on Election Day.

Obtain an online voter registration application at

Must register to vote 30 days before the election.

The completed absentee ballot must be received by the office of the county clerk no later than seven days before the election. If the voter wishes to hand-deliver the ballot, it must be received by the clerk’s office no later than the end of regular business hours on the day before the election.

For more information, call the Secretary of State Elections and Voter Services at (501) 682-5070 or toll free outside of the Little Rock area at (800) 482-1127. To download a voter application, visit

Must register to vote 15 days before the election.

The absentee ballot can be mailed to the Registrar of Voters or delivered in person to any county polling place no later than 8 p.m. on Election Day. If illness or a physical disability prevents the voter from returning his/her ballot in person, that voter may designate a close relative to return the ballot to the polling place.

For more information call the Voter Registration Hotline at (800) 345-VOTE or obtain an online voter registration application at

Must register to vote 29 days before the election.

Absentee ballots that are returned by mail must be received by 7 p.m. on Election Day (The County Clerk will establish the place where voters should return their absentee ballots).

To obtain an online voter registration application, visit

Must register to vote 14 days before the general election.

Absentee ballots may be mailed or hand-delivered to the Town Clerk, but they must be received by the clerk no later than 8 p.m. on Election Day. For questions, call the Secretary of the State at (860) 509-6100.

Obtain an online voter registration application at

Must register to vote 20 days before the election.

Absentee ballots must be returned to the Department of Elections no later than the close of polls on Election Day.

Obtain an online voter registration application at

District of Columbia
Must register to vote 30 days before the election.

If a voter chooses to mail in the completed ballot, it must be postmarked no later than Election Day and must be received by the Board no later than 10 days after the election.

If a voter chooses to hand-deliver the ballot to his/her polling place, it must be delivered no later than 8 p.m. on Election Day.

Obtain an online voter registration application at

Must register to vote 29 days before the election.

The voter must mail, deliver or have delivered the marked ballot so that it reaches the supervisor of elections no later than 7 p.m. on the day of the election. The ballot must be returned in the return mailing envelope.

Obtain an online voter registration application at

Must register to vote 30 days before the election.

Absentee ballots must be signed and received by the county board of registrars’ office by 7 p.m. on Election Day.

Obtain a voter registration form at

Must register to vote 30 days before the election.

Absentee ballots may be mailed or hand-delivered to the clerk, but must be received by the close of polls on Election Day.

Obtain an online voter registration application at

Must register to vote 25 days before the election.

In order to be counted, the completed absentee ballot must be received by the County Clerk by 5 p.m. the day before the election. The ballot may be mailed or hand-delivered. Visit

Must register to vote 30 days before the election.

The certification on the back should be signed and personally returned or mailed. The ballot must be received by the election authority by mail not more than 40 days nor less than five days prior to Election Day. If delivered in person, the absentee ballot must be submitted not more than 40 days nor less than one day prior to the election.

Obtain an online voter registration application at

Must register to vote 29 days before the election.

The completed absentee ballot may be returned by mail to the county election board. The ballot may also be hand-delivered by the voter, a member of the voter’s household or the voter’s attorney. Ballots must be received by the election board at the clerk’s office in time to be processed for the election (it is recommended that absentee ballots be returned to the clerk’s office no later than noon on Election Day).

Download an online voter registration application at

Must register to vote 10 days before the election.

Absentee ballots may be returned in person by the voter or the voter’s designee to the office of the County Auditor where the ballot was obtained. Ballots must be returned no later than the time the polls close for that election.

Absentee ballots may also be returned by mail. Ballots must be postmarked no later than the day before the election and received by the County Auditor no later than noon on the Monday following the election.

Obtain an online voter registration application at

Must register to vote 15 days before the election.

All ballots that have been sent through the mail must be returned to the county election office by the close of polls on Election Day in order to be counted. The ballot may be returned by mail or in person.

For more information contact Brad Bryant at the Elections and Legislative Matters division at (785) 296-4561. Obtain an online voter registration application at

Must register to vote 28 days before the election.

The completed ballot must be mailed to the County Clerk’s office. In order to be counted, the clerk must receive the ballot no later than the close of polls on Election Day.

Obtain an online voter registration card at

Must register to vote 30 days before the election.
The deadlines for returning the absentee ballot to the Registrar of Voters are as follows:

  • For military personnel and U.S. citizens residing outside of the United States: Election Day.
  • For all other voters: The day before the election.

Obtain an online voter registration application at

Must register to vote on Election Day or 15 days before the election, can register on Election Day at the polls.

In order to be counted, a completed absentee ballot must be returned to the municipal clerk by 8 p.m. on Election Day. Any registered voter may also choose to vote in person at the clerk’s office as soon as absentee ballots are available.

To obtain a voter registration form, call the Secretary of State at (207) 624-7650 or email the elections division at [email protected].

Must register to vote 30 days before the election.

The ballot should be filled in and returned to the county board of elections before or by 8 p.m. on Election Day. Voters requiring an absentee ballot may complete the entire process, including voting, by going in person to the county board of elections.

For more information, call the Maryland Voter’s Information Hotline (800) 222-VOTE or obtain an online voter registration application at

Must register to vote 20 days before the election.

The ballot must be returned by mail before the close of the polls on Election Day.
For more information, call the Elections Division Hotline at (800) 462-8683 (in state only) or obtain an online voter registration application at

Must register to vote 30 days before the election date.

All absentee ballots must be hand-delivered or mailed to the clerk’s office. In order to be counted, the ballots must be received by 8 p.m. on Election Day.

Obtain an online voter registration application at

Must register to vote 20 days before the election or on Election Day at the polls.
Ballots must be returned to the county auditor or city clerk no later than the close of polls on Election Day.

Obtain an online voter registration application at

Must register to vote 30 days before the election.

Once completed, the ballot must be received by the registrar no later than 5 p.m. on the day preceding the election.

Obtain an online voter registration application at

Must register to vote by 5 p.m. on the fourth Wednesday before the election.

The deadline for absentee voting in person in the office of the election authority is 5 p.m. on the day before the election.

Obtain an online voter registration application at

Must register to vote 30 days before the election.

Absentee ballots must be completed and either hand-delivered or mailed to the Election Administrator no later than the close of polls on Election Day.

For more information, call Elections Division Hotline at (406) 444-4732 or obtain an online voter registration application at

Mail-in registration must be postmarked on or before the third Friday before an election. Register in person at your county clerk/election commissioner’s office or outside registration sites up to 10 days before an election.

Voters can vote absentee in person 35 days before statewide elections and 15 days before city elections. The deadline to vote absentee in person is 5:30 p.m. the day before the election. Ballots returned in person, whether by the voter or by an agent, must be returned by 8 p.m. election night. All ballots returned by mail must be received by 10 a.m. on the second day following the election.

Obtain an online voter registration application at

Must register to vote 30 days before the election.

The voted ballot may be hand-delivered or mailed to the county clerk, but it must be returned no later than the close of polls on Election Day.

Obtain an online voter registration application at

New Hampshire
Must register to vote 10 days before the election or at the polls on Election Day.

Clerks may accept completed absentee ballots submitted in person until 5 p.m. the day before an election or until 5 p.m. on Election Day if received through the mail.

Obtain an online voter registration application at

New Jersey
Must register to vote 21 days before the election.

In order to be counted, the completed absentee ballot must be received by the County Board of Elections no later than 8 p.m. the day of the election.

Obtain an online voter registration application at

New Mexico
Must register to vote 28 days before the election.

Voters who choose to vote absentee by mail should allow sufficient time for the ballot to be sent out by the county clerk, completed, and returned to the clerk by the Election Day deadline. Ballots that are sent out through the mail must be competed and returned to the county clerk by 5 p.m. on Election Day.

For more information, call the Office of the Secretary of State at (505) 827-3600 or obtain an online voter registration application at

New York
Must register to vote 25 days before the election.

In order to be counted, the ballot must either be delivered to the Board of Elections by the close of the polls on Election Day (9 p.m.), or be postmarked the day before the election and received by the Board of Elections no later than seven days after the election.

For more information, call (800) FOR-VOTE or obtain an online voter registration application at

North Carolina
Must register to vote 25 days before the election.

The ballot must be returned to the county elections office in person or by mail no later than 5 p.m. on the day before the election.

For more information on the One-Stop Absentee Voting period or to obtain an online absentee ballot, visit

North Dakota
North Dakota has no voter registration.

Absentee ballots must be mailed to the county auditor or appropriate election official and must be post marked the day before the election in order to be counted.

Must register to vote 30 days before the election.

All voted absentee ballots must be received at the board office by 7:30 p.m. on Election Day in order to be counted.

Obtain an online voter registration application on the Secretary of State’s website,

Must register to vote 25 days before the election.

Any absentee ballot that is sent out through the mail must also be returned by mail. In order to be counted, an absentee ballot must be received by the county election board before 7 p.m. on Election Day.

Obtain an online voter registration application at

Must register to vote 21 days before the election.

The ballot may be mailed or hand-delivered to the county clerk. In order to be counted, the ballot must be received by the clerk no later than 8 p.m. on Election Day.

Obtain an online voter registration application at

Must register to vote 30 days before the election.

All absentee ballots must be returned to the County Board of Elections by 5 p.m. on the Friday before the election.

Obtain an online voter registration application at

Rhode Island
Must register to vote 30 days before the election.

Completed ballots may be mailed or hand-delivered to the local Board of Canvassers. The deadline for submitting a ballot is 9 p.m. on Election Day.

Obtain an online voter registration application at

South Carolina
Must register to vote 30 days before the election.

Ballots can be returned to the county voters’ registration board by mail or in person. In order for a ballot to be counted, it must be received by the board by the close of polls on Election Day (7 p.m.).

Obtain an online voter registration at

South Dakota
Must register to vote 15 days before the election.

The voter must sign a statement on the absentee ballot envelope prior to returning the ballot. All voted ballots must be returned to the auditor in time to be delivered to the appropriate polling place prior to the closing of the polls. No applications will be accepted after 3 p.m. on Election Day.

Obtain an online voter registration application at

Must register to vote 30 days before the election.

In order to be counted, the completed absentee ballot must be mailed in time to reach the commission office on or before Election Day.

Information about absentee voting forms may be found at

Must register to vote 30 days before the election.

In order to be counted, an absentee ballot must be received by the clerk before 7 p.m. on Election Day.

For more information, call the Elections Division Hotline at (800) 252-VOTE or obtain an online voter registration application at

Must register to vote 20 days before the election.

Absentee ballots must be returned to the appropriate election officer by the close of the polls on Election Day.

Obtain an online voter registration application at

Must register to vote 8 days before the election.

Completed ballots must be returned to the town clerk before the polls close on Election Day in order to be counted.

Voter registration forms are available at

Must register to vote 30 days before the election.

Completed ballots must be received in the general registrar’s office by 7 p.m. on Election Day to be counted.

Obtain an online voter registration application at Contact Vickie R. Williams by phone at (804) 864-8932 for questions.

Must register to vote 30 days before the election by mail or 15 days before the election in person.

The returned voted ballot must be postmarked or delivered to the county election officer on or before Election Day to be valid.

For more information, call the Elections Division Hotline at (800) 448-4881 or request a voter registration application at

West Virginia
Must register to vote 30 days before the election.

In order to be counted in the election the returned ballot must be received by the circuit clerk by Election Day, or postmarked no later than Election Day and received by the beginning of the canvass for the election.

Obtain an online voter registration application at

Registration must be completed in the local voter registration office one day prior to an election, or registration can be completed at the polling place on Election Day.

In order to be counted, a completed absentee ballot must be received by the clerk no later than Election Day.

Obtain an online voter registration application at

Must register to vote 30 days before the election or on Election Day.

In order to be counted, voted absentee ballots must be returned to the county clerk no later than 7 p.m. on Election Day.

Download a voter registration form at