Advice Lite

Get Your Flirt On!
Dear Carolyn,
I’m a hard-working, truck-driving man, but for some reason, I’m not very lucky with the ladies. I have lots of female friends and am well regarded in my hometown. I’m not the most handsome guy in the world, but chicks don’t run screaming from the room either. I’ve asked my girl friends and they say part of the problem is I don’t know how to flirt with a girl. I’ve hung out with my buddies, and it seems to come naturally to them. Please give me some tips on flirting. I’m desperate.

Dear Dave,
The art of flirting comes naturally to some, but for others, it’s an acquired skill. I promise you, it’s really not that hard. Here are some tips:

Make eye contact. When you speak, keep your eyes focused on hers. Don’t look around to see if there is a better-looking gal nearby. Don’t watch the game. Don’t check your watch. Look her in the eyes.

Mirror her body language. If she’s smiling, you smile. If she shakes her head, you shake your head. If she flings her drink in your face

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