Meet the Driver

Double Duty

Driver knows trucks inside and out

Not only does Western Express driver George Gentry understand the business of trucking after 40 years’ worth of experience, he also understands just what’s going on under the hood.

“I took up mechanics on my own after buying a mechanics book,” Gentry says. “I trained myself and have been doing it for 30 years.” Gentry’s auto and diesel tooling resulted in a garage at his home in Prospect, Tenn., where he does body and transmission work on friends’ vehicles.

“I just like to do most anything I can with them,” Gentry says. “I like to tune up older models, so I just go in there and do it.”

While knowing basic mechanics gives him something to do with his downtime, Gentry says it also helps on the road, where he drives a 2007 Volvo. “If something comes up and I can fix it, I’ll fix it,” he says.

Even after more than four decades, Gentry says he still enjoys hitting the road. “I am going to drive as long as I can,” he says. “I’ve done it all my life, and I like seeing different cities and being out on the road.”

Q & A
Q: What is your favorite city?
A: Chicago. I got around easily, and there were nice people.

Q: What is something you advise other truckers about driving?
A: Watch what you are doing and watch other drivers.

Q: What is something you always take with you on the road?
A: My two suitcases.

Q: What is the most difficult thing you’ve had to do?
A: The hardest thing was pulling a transmission from a Mazda engine.

Q: What it your favorite food?
A: For breakfast, I like two eggs, and for supper I like to eat shrimp.