We were right outside Pittsburgh, and had stopped for fuel. I was milling around the snack section of the store, while George gathered the things he needed from the truck side. There were a couple of guys perusing the snacks, speaking Spanish to one another, and I usually ignore this, but I’ve been studying Spanish lately, so I listened in to see if I could follow along.
I’ve mentioned before that it’s dangerous to listen in on conversations, and if you intend to do so, you should be prepared for what you hear. I should have followed my own advice and walked away when I caught on to enough of what they were saying to understand it was vulgar and directed entirely toward me. About the time I decided to “accidentally” kick the snot out of one of them, George magically shows up at my elbow, gives them a look that would silence anyone, and leads me away.
“How do you do that?”
“You know what I’m talking about. You always show up about one second before I go off. What kind of Jedi trick is that?”
“It’s not a Jedi trick. I watch you. When you’re out of the truck I have my eyes on you the whole time.”

“That’s not creepy at all, stalker.”
“I’m not stalking you. I watch your eyebrows. If the left one shoots up, you’re mildly annoyed about something, but if they both jump up, I know I better get to you quick.”
“I’m somewhat amazed and a little disappointed you’re not actually a Jedi.”
“I didn’t say I wasn’t a Jedi, I said it wasn’t a Jedi trick.”
The force is strong with this one.
So two lessons learned. I have very expressive eyebrows and my Spanish isn’t as bad as I thought it was. I should probably add that you shouldn’t get too comfortable talking trash about someone in a language you assume they don’t understand, because you never know when there’s a Jedi around.