Highways round-up: I-95 speed limit in Del. going up, Mich. I-75/I-94 construction, more

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Speed Limit 65The Delaware Department of Transportation will be raising the speed limit on I-95 from 55 mph to 65 mph in both directions from the Maryland state line to the I-495 split, south of Wilmington. The signage change will begin on Monday, May 18, and should be completed by Thursday, May 21, pending weather. The work will require shoulder closures from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m., DelDOT reports.

Work continues at Detroit I-94/I-75 interchange
Starting tomorrow morning, Thursday, May 14, the Michigan Department of Transportation will begin replacing I-75 bridge supports under the eastbound I-94 ramp. Work is expected to continue through June 12.

Both NB and SB lanes of I-75 will be affected. Shoulder closures are already in place as well as 10 temporary bridge supports.

Closures include the EB I-94 ramp to NB I-75, beginning 8 p.m. Friday and continuing through June 12. The posted detour is EB I-94 to SB M-10 (Lodge Freeway), then NB I-75. Lane closures on NB and SB I-75 under the ramp will be limited to single or double-lane closures during off-peak hours, MDOT says.

Traffic impacts for this week are as follows.

Thursday, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.
NB I-75 will have single and double-lane closures to restripe the freeway for a lane shift.

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2 – 6 p.m.
SB I-75 will have single and double-lane restriping closures.

Friday, 7 p.m.
NB and SB I-75 will have one lane closed until Saturday evening.

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