Sleep apnea guidelines quiz: Find out if you would be referred for apnea testing

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Updated Nov 15, 2016

If you didn’t take this quiz/survey prior to Overdrive‘s recent reporting on results relative to the Medical Review Board’s draft sleep apnea screening protocol, answer the questions to find out whether or not you would be screened for testing if the protocol was in place.

Tabulated survey results, as reported here, showed at least 25 percent of survey respondents who aren’t currently being treated for sleep apnea, possibly many more, would be required to be tested for the condition under this protocol. The Medical Review Board meets jointly with the more broad-based Motor Carrier Safety Advisory Committee today in Washington, D.C., at which this draft sleep apnea screening protocol is slated for discussion. If significant changes and/or official recommendations are made available, we’ll make an update later in the week.

In order to get an accurate result in the following quiz/survey, you’ll need to know your body mass index measurement, a ratio of weight to height. If you don’t know your body mass index, you can utilize the calculator at this link for quick results. Or you can do the calculation manually, though it requires measuring body weight in kilograms and height in meters. Here is a sample calculation using metric conversion factors for a person who is 6’0” (72 in.) and weighs 195 pounds:


The quiz/survey follows:

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