A documentary film team will attend a seven-day event to begin work on a documentary that hopes to engage with female professional truck drivers to shed some light on issues concerning women in trucking today. In doing so, they’ll get a glimpse of the specific community cultivated by the Real Women in Trucking organization during its seven-day Lady Truck Driver Cruise in the West Caribbean sailing from the Port of New Orleans, May 19. There, RWIT will honor “Queen of the Road” award recipients in their program honoring women who have worked as truck drivers in addition to a seven-day program of speakers and other events.
Producer and Director Nesa Azimi, part of the independent team behind the “Lady Truck Driver Project” film effort, has won an Emmy for her work, which has comprised more than a dozen films for PBS Frontline, National Geographic and Al Jazeera English. Directory of photography on the “Lady Truck Driver Project” is Victor Tadashi Suarez, and Mimi Wilcox serves as filmmaker and editor.