Truckers can enter to win free trip to Nashville

Marcia Campbell will host a backstage Opry tour for the winners of the RoadPro Ultimate Nashville Getaway Giveaway.Marcia Campbell will host a backstage Opry tour for the winners of the RoadPro Ultimate Nashville Getaway Giveaway.

Truck drivers can enter to win an expenses-paid trip to Nashville through a giveaway offered by the RoadPro Family of Brands.

The RoadPro Ultimate Nashville Getaway Giveaway trip for two includes round-trip airfare; a two-night, three-day stay at the Opryland Resort; tickets to the Grand Ole Opry for a Saturday night show; and $250 to spend at the Opryland Hotel restaurants.

The winner will also be treated to a backstage tour of the Opry hosted by radio host Marcia Campbell, where they will have the opportunity to take photos and meet the stars of the show.

Entries will be accepted here through Aug. 21, and RoadPro will announced the winner at the Great American Trucking Show in Dallas on Aug. 23.

GATS will be held Aug. 22-24 at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center in downtown Dallas. Those interested in attending can register for free online here.

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