Heavy-equipment operator Richard Kemp of Hillsborough, N.H., passed away in September of 2007 at age 76, but his informal truck museum, with a collection of seveal vintage Macks, Internationals, Sterlings and other trucks and pieces of equipment, lived on past his death as a stopping point for collectors and part-time truck and vintage equipment enthusiasts in the northeast and beyond long after he died. A May 18 story in the New Hampshire Union-Leader detailed the collection and Kemp’s story on the occasion of an announcement that the museum’s collection would go up for auction on July 25. divdivdivdiv
The truck yard and adjacent garage on riverfront property had been in Kemp family since the late 1800s and “has been offered to the town of Hillsborough for a public park,” the Union-Leader reported. And proceeds from the auction will go to a scholarship fund for local high-school students going into trades. Info about the auction is here. Some pictures from the auction site follow, for the collectors out there.