Trucking from the roots up

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Updated Dec 14, 2009

Score an at least partial victory for drivers and owner-operators this week. Many had a whole lot to do with the Virginia Commonwealth Transportation Board’s recent decision to go ahead with proposed closures of 19 rest areas in the state but to suspend the two-hour parking time limit, which has seen truckers hassled on their 10-hour federally mandated breaks in Virginia rest areas for years. Blogging about the issue yesterday was Linda Sunkle-Pierucki, the Detroit Trucking Examiner and an experienced long-hauler herself.

Leading the issue was a large contingent of truckers brought together by several different venues, including the Truth About Trucking folks I’ve blogged about here and here, and who also developed the Trucker App for the iPhone, which my column in the June issue of Truckers News detailed — their online Truth About Trucking talk radio show on the Virginia parking subject marked a high point for drivers’ awareness of the large grassroots moves to change the 2-hour parking law for the better. Listen to it here.

For a detailed dissection of the parking landscape as the highway reauthorization goes to markup in the House (webcast live this morning at 11 a.m.), read Lucinda Coulter’s story in this month’s issue of Overdrive.

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