“Highway Hags” Stace and Hedon, company team drivers for a “super-large-mega-important transportation firm,” blog on anything from mechanical how-to to more standard blog fare at highwayhags.com. Their employer decided “they would rather not take advantage of all the free publicity to be gained from being mentioned prominently in drivers’ blogs,” writes Hedon on highwayhags.com. “On the one hand, I really iseriously/i hate being told what to do. On the other, I really like this big cushy truck. Fine. We work for Those-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named or TWMNBN for short.”
You may recognize Stace from the comments section on the blog here, most recently in a thoughtful response to this post about distracted driving.
This item was included in the Channel 19 column in the print edition of Overdrive; for more follow this link.