iFate/i magazine, an occult monthly founded by the late Ray Palmer in 1948, is still around and is still enjoyable reading for devotees of Bigfoot, UFOs and the like, if you keep many grains of salt handy. (We recommend, in fact, several bowls full.) Here’s a trucking-related tidbit from the February 2006 issue, from Scott Corrales’ article “Removed from Reality: Stunning Teleportation Cases”:blockquoteSalvador Freixedo, who looked into these bizarre disappearances in his book iLa Granja Humana/i, cites the curious case of a vehicular accident in Burgos, Spain, that caused the deaths of a number of people and the disappearance of a 10-year-old from one of the trucks involved. He was not found among victims of the crash, and has never been seen again. The police initially believed that the boy had wandered away from the crash scene in an amnesic state, and a thorough search of the area was mounted by both civilians and police officials, yet nothing was turned up. In order to bring the case to a close, the authorities suggested that the boy had been disintegrated by a cargo of sulfuric acid being hauled by the tanker truck in which he was a passenger./blockquoteMost such “mysteries,” on closer examination, prove to be not so mysterious after all, and certainly well within the realm of the natural as opposed to the supernatural, but this brief account, however intriguing, offers virtually nothing to go on, not even a date. If it rings a bell with anyone who can point us to a fuller account, in Freixedo’s book or anywhere else, please let us know.div class=”blogger-post-footer”Channel 19 is the blog version of the column of the same name featured in Overdrive: The Voice of the American Trucker. Todd Dills ([email protected]) is its author./div
A mysterious disappearance in Spain?
Overdrive Radio