Today some stickers and T-shirts arrived from the folks at — all of them, unsurprisingly, featuring Fat Mudflap Girl.
My wife was there when I pulled them out of the envelope. Her initial remark was unprintable. (Actually, it’s printed all the time. I should say I prefer not to publish it on this blog.)
Her second remark was, “>Decide now who you’re going to send those to, because they’re not staying in imy house.”>
So I’ll happily send two Fat Mudflap Girl T-shirts (XL and L) to the first reader who asks for them at this e-mail address and tells me where to send them. This will do wonders for domestic harmony in the Channel 19 household.
More shirts, plus mousepads, clocks, caps, boxers and thongs, can be had at Fat Mudflap Girl’s online store. No, I will not send you a thong.