Con-way Freight linehaul operator Dennis Day, based in Georgia, is now on YouTube, in a video taken after he met with a variety of judges and lawyers at the National Judicial College in Reno, Nev. It was part of his outreach efforts as captain of America’s Road Team, a project of the American Trucking Associations that Day is a part of by virtue of his victory in the twins division of the 2007 Georgia State Truck Driving Championships and subsequent superior performance in the nationals. This week, he’s at the Georgia Fleet Expo in Atlanta with ATA’s new “>image trailer,” the association reports, but in case you’re wondering what hard questions lawyers and judges have about operating a big rig under federal regulations, watch the YouTube video. No big surprises there, we don’t think: “>As the first judge climbed in the truck and rolled the window down,” Day says in the vid, narrating his interactive driving demo at the Judicial College, “his first question was ‘Can I blow the horn?'”
Now what’s that old Shakespeare adage about the legal profession?