Meredith Ochs, known best for her cohosting slot with Chris T. on Sirius Road Dog’s “Freewheelin'” show, talked a bit about her love of rolling in rigs on NPR’s Fall Music Preview back in September. (We’ve gotten behind a bit on our All Songs Considered free podcast subscription, sorry.) She and Chris have in fact broadcast their show live from big rigs in the past. In the Fall Music Preview show, she had this to say of rolling in a big truck: “>Man, you get addicted to it. You’re high up off the highway, you see everything. Man, it’s just really fun.”
Perhaps an odd duck to be hosting a trucking show, perhaps not, the New York City resident splits her time, according to her website, between “>the garden at the Noguchi … walking her foster Westie in central park … [and] eating pakistani food at a downtown hole-in-the-wall where only cabbies dine.”> With an eclectic taste in music, though, she’s always a refreshing voice on public radio — here’s her Best of 2007 CD list. Keep an eye out for 2008.
br Truckers News wrote about Ochs and Chris T. the July 2007 trucking radio round-up that was that issue’s cover story.