Making more of that Alaska plate with Bennett-leased owner-ops, take two

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Left to right, Jerry Boyd, Carl Lawrence and Bob Hubbard’s rigs this past Thursday loading out of Oak Harbor, Wash., bound for Fairbanks, Ak.Left to right, Jerry Boyd, Carl Lawrence and Bob Hubbard’s rigs this past Thursday loading out of Oak Harbor, Wash., bound for Fairbanks, Ak.

This past Thursday I spoke again with owner-operator Jerry Boyd of Spencer, Tenn., long leased to Bennett Motor Express. That’s his 2016 Prostar left-most in the picture above, flanked by one bought around the same time by fellow hauler Carl Lawrence. The KW is Bob Hubbard’s, odd man out (though in, at once) in more ways than one on a U.S. military freight haul north from an Oak Harbor, Wash., installation to Alaska. Hubbard wasn’t with Lawrence and Boyd last they made this run, in July last year.

You’ll recall these plates on the front of Boyd’s International, which I wrote about after getting a look at Boyd’s rig at the location of Landmark International Trucks in Cookeville, Tenn., last month:

Yeah, the bear fronts an Alaskan plate, good for a year after Boyd got it before last year’s haul.Yeah, the bear fronts an Alaskan plate, good for a year after Boyd got it before last year’s haul.

Turns out the opportunity to make the most of the plate registration fee did arise for Boyd, and he and Lawrence will be sharing photos from the run through B.C. and the Yukon territory via their Facebook pages, if you follow them. I thought I’d share a few of Boyd’s from the last run in summer 2017.

Enjoy, and stay safe out there this weekend if you’re hauling.

Three trucks rounded out the 2017 group as well, the owner-operators shown here together at the Alaska welcome sign on the 2017 run (that’s Boyd on the right, Lawrence in center).Three trucks rounded out the 2017 group as well, the owner-operators shown here together at the Alaska welcome sign on the 2017 run (that’s Boyd on the right, Lawrence in center). The three power units at a pull-off along the long run. There’s more than 2,000 miles between Oak Harbor, Wash., and the Fairbanks Air Force installation destination.The three power units at a pull-off along the long run. There’s more than 2,000 miles between Oak Harbor, Wash., and the Fairbanks Air Force installation destination. Pulled of at Watson Lake, in British Columbia near the province’s northern borders, the group caught a bit of wildlife in the form of, what else …Pulled of at Watson Lake, in British Columbia near the province’s northern borders, the group caught a bit of wildlife in the form of, what else … Yeah, though it might be hard to tell on your screen, that’s a bear along a slope up to the pull-off area. Boyd shot this picture while remaining quite close to his truck’s door and grab handle.Yeah, though it might be hard to tell on your screen, that’s a bear along a slope up to the pull-off area. Boyd shot this picture while remaining quite close to his truck’s door and grab handle. Elsewhere along the route, Lawrence caught these two Santa’s sleigh pullers on the road.Elsewhere along the route, Lawrence caught these two Santa’s sleigh pullers on the road. Owner-operator Boyd’s international pictured alone at the Alaska welcome sign.Owner-operator Boyd’s international pictured alone at the Alaska welcome sign.
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