Dayton, Tenn., resident Calvin Nichols Jr. has put more than 2 million miles on this 2000 Peterbilt 379. He bought the truck new and has added 8-inch straight stacks, custom hardwood flooring in the truck’s sleeper berth and custom Outlaw headlights. Nichols uses the truck to pull refrigerated loads of produce seasonally and flatbed loads of stone the rest of the year. The truck is powered by a Caterpillar 3406E. Nichols’ girlfriend Marcy Greer says Nichols’ dedication and hard work have kept the one-truck business alive through the tough economy. “When you come from nothing and make something of yourself, you should be noticed for all your hard work,” Greer says.
Something out of nothing: Owner-op’s 2000 Peterbilt 379
Overdrive Radio