James Burgess’ 2020 Freightliner Coronado

Burgess 2020 08 04 10 20

James Burgess, out of Orangeburg, South Carolina, hauls mostly feed ingredients with this 2020 Freightliner Coronado and 2021 Timpte Hopper. The rig is powered by a 500-hp Detroit with an Eaton 13-speed with 3:42 rears. He hasn’t done much custom work with the truck other than some chrome gauge bezels, buttons, interior lighting and matching shifter and brake handles. On the to-do list are more lights on the exterior of the truck and trailer and a wood floor inside. Burgess is leased to Triple D Carriers of Blythewood, South Carolina.

The interior of Burgess’ Coronado.The interior of Burgess’ Coronado.

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