OnCommand Connection currently has more than 300,000 VINs on its platform, two-thirds of which Navistar’s Chief Information Officer Terry Kline says are competing brands. As part of the announcement, Kline announced Navistar will begin over-the-air updates for Cummins engines next week.
Making their debut Thursday was OnCommand Connection Telematics and OnCommand Connection Marketplace, which will feature the ELD app.
Kline says OnCommand Connection Telematics is a scaleable all-makes solution designed for owner-operators and small fleets who previously may not have had access to such vehicle data. OnCommand Connection Telematics will use OnCommand Connection Link 2, a universal telematics device that plugs into the truck’s service port. Available this summer, the device will provide users access to Navistar’s OnCommand Connection remote diagnostics.
“We believe we’ll be bringing telematics to the average owner-operator,” Kline says, “giving the owner-operator the opportunity to take advantage of the same technology the major fleets have access to.”

OnCommand Connection Marketplace is an open-architecture, cloud-based platform offering access to broad range of driver support tools, inspection reports, supplier apps, third-party apps, customer apps, OEM apps and onCommand Connection apps. The first app available in OnCommand Connection Marketplace is the Android and iOS compatible driver log.
“We really focused on ease of use,” Kline says of the ELD app. “It’s tied into our whole [OnCommand Connection] backend diagnostic and hardware capabilities.”
Kline Thursday declined to provide a price for the unit and associated subscription services but the company provided an initial price of $120 and $14.95-$29.95 per month for Overdrive‘s ELD Buyers Guide, which will publish next month.