The latest edition of the Overdrive and Truckers News Truckers' Gear Guide from the RoadPro Family of Brands is now available, and it's filled with practical advice on making your days and nights on the road more comfortable, safer, and easier. The online guide will also make you a better informed professional driver.
Included in the new issue are articles about:
- how the citizen's band radio went from being a military device during World War II to being a staple of today's trucking industry
- RoadKing's new and innovative hands-free CB radio
- what you need to ensure your truck is clean enough even by your mom's standards
- 5 ways to ensure you get the cardio exercise you need to keep you healthy
- ways to see the latest products even as some major trucking shows are on hold
- how to use chains and straps to properly secure your load
- cooking turkey for two in your truck's cab
- the products for your truck that may get overlooked ... but shouldn't
- how truckers make wishes for sick children come true
Also in the current Gear Guide are details about RoadKing's ground-breaking totally hands-free CB radio, which debuted recently. See how you can win one.