Dear Carolyn,
I’m working on some New Year’s Resolutions this year. Most of them are lame like lose weight, work out, eat less sugar, call mom, read a book. But what I really want to do is meet a good woman that I can come home to after a long week on the road. It’s not as easy as you might think. I’m always on the road and when I’m home, I have a list of stuff to do that’s a mile long. And yet, what’s the point of any of it if I don’t have someone to share it with?
Do you believe that there’s someone for everyone?
Dear Tommy,
Yes, I do. I’m not saying she’s the perfect someone because I don’t believe that person exists. But your letter tells me a lot about the kind of guy you are. You aren’t asking me to help you find the most beautiful woman in the world. Or someone who will cook and clean and pay the bills. You are asking for someone you can share your life with. I picked your letter from the pile because you genuinely seem to want a good relationship. So, here’s what you do:
Keep all the other resolutions you’ve made. They are good ones to work on. And while you are living a healthier life, chatting with your mom, working hard at your job, keep your eyes open. Don’t eliminate anyone based on preconceived notions of beauty. Ask a lot of women to get coffee with you. Ask some to take a walk and others to go to a movie. Put yourself out there, cast a wide net and I believe you’ll find a good woman.
Make this a New Year’s Revolution!

I’m just say’n,