What's with the Valentine's Day stuff already up?

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Dear Carolyn,

Do you know what really burns me up? I haven’t even paid my Christmas bills yet and already Valentine’s Day stuff is on the shelves. No wonder guys hate this holiday. We have to start worrying about how we are going to screw up February in Jan-u-freaking-ary. I’m telling you;it’s not fair!

Dear JJ,

I don’t know about you but I’m just glad to see something on the shelves. I figure that whatever trucker trucked it in is darn glad for the gig. There’s lots of stuff out there that’s keeping me awake at night. Candy hearts in the Poinsettia aisle is low on the list. I hear ya, I do, but I don’t feel it. Not this year anyway. So, grab a box of chocolate candy hearts and sweeten up that sour puss.
I’m just say’n
[email protected]

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