iLuvMyTrucker: Bret Weiler

Updated Sep 23, 2013

BretWeilerThe words “truck driver” always carried a negative connotation (mostly due to the societal stigma) up until the day that I first met my husband. His mentality as a truck driver and his dedication to professionalism on the job has shed a whole new light on the business and given me a newfound respect for those men and women that call themselves truck drivers.

He refuses to wear sloppy clothes to work; he is always in a button up shirt and pants, and is usually wearing the hat for the company he is leased to. He aims to give truck drivers everywhere a good name by presenting himself and the company in the most professional way possible.
But, he is his own boss. After dabbling in heavy haul, tanker work, and some excavating as well he traded in his excavating equipment on his very first “baby,” a 2005 Kenworth W-900 and went to work as an owner operator and leased onto a company. She was a beautiful truck that I had the pleasure of traveling with him in on some of the jobs that he did. Ever since then, I haven’t looked at a truck the same. He has taught me all about the different manufacturers and the models of trucks, which ones are his favorite and what his dream truck would be. He also taught me about truck safety and what to look out for when driving on the road around other truck drivers. Now that we have two young boys, there is nothing that brings him greater joy than to see them climbing all over “daddy’s truck” and hopes that one day he will be able to not only hand down the business but his work ethic as well to them.

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Today, he can be found hauling hazmat in his stretched out Peterbilt 379 daycab all over the Midwest and Canada. We could not be more proud of how hard he works for our family all while doing what he loves. I’ve learned that is takes a very disciplined person to be a truck driver; It is not easy being miles away from your family knowing that complete strangers are depending on you just as much as they are. I’ve also learned that this isn’t just a source of income, trucking is a way of life. Before getting married, he warned me that being a trucker’s wife wasn’t going to be easy- but I was up for the challenge and have tried every day to be his biggest supporter possible. (Trust me, some days it is not easy!) He is the most hardworking, dedicated person that I know in my life and I am happy to call him my husband and father of our three beautiful children. His name is Bret David Weiler, and he is our Trucking Hero.