Janeane Skelton
Hometown: Carson City, Nevada
Occupation: company driver for FedEx Freight
How long trucking: 2½
Hauls: freight of all kinds
“An important virtue I have shared with my girls and every woman should remember is that physical beauty will fade over time, but true beauty is timeless.”
Skelton got her CDL a few years ago when she moved to a new area but couldn’t find a job in her field — she has a bachelor’s degree in office management. So she did a year over-the-road with Schneider and then switched to working with Fed-Ex. When she’s had enough of the road she goes off-road Jeeping with friends. Skelton even plans to do the Rubicon Trail at Lake Tahoe next year.
Her nomination:
Janeane is the most beautiful truck driver because not only does she juggle being a single mom of 3, she is also able to balance her driving career as well. A beautiful truck driver is a rare occurrence because it is stereotypically a man’s job. Janeane is able to complete her job from pretrip, driving, chaining and loading freight, always made up and without even breaking a nail. There is rarely a time when you won’t see a smile on her face no matter what the task at hand is. She deserves the title of the most beautiful truck driver for her ability to endure the long nights, unpredictable weather and keep family life in balance to pure perfection.

Submitted by Jessica Garrett, daughter
Janeane Skelton, company driver
Carson City, Nevada