Regular readers may recall Todd McCann from coverage of the 2013 34-hour restart change and McCann’s then-dissection of how since-rescinded limitations on the restart would affect his routes. His new book, “Trucking Life: An Entertaining, Yet Informative Guide to Becoming and Being a Trucker,” is not just a collection of blog posts from McCann’s long-running Trucker Dump podcast/blog. McCann’s clearly spent time and energy organizing the book as an effective introduction to the world of long-distance trucking, capturing his whimsical and sometimes sarcastically humorous voice in a bevy of unreleased material.
Such as in Chapter 1, “What is it with truck driving?”, introducing the book:
If you’re reading this right now, it’s likely because of one of two reasons. Either you’re considering becoming a professional truck driver, or you just have a healthy curiosity about what’s involved in being a trucker … or perhaps your in-laws are over for a visit, you’ve faked food poisoning, and you’ve locked yourself in the bathroom with your spiffy new mobile device to avoid the drool-inspiring details of every ache and pain they’ve experienced since their last visit.
Somehow, in the midst of your fake moans and groans, you’ve accidentally ordered my book. Thank you for your order. All sales are final. Only kidding. Sheez, I guess if I was hiding out in the crapper, I’d be edgy too.
If you are hiding from the in-laws, at least find something more interesting than this book; like that super-informative website with a pictorial history of Cindy Crawford (or
Brad Pitt, to be politically correct) that you stumbled across while, ahem, searching for
that educational website on Gothic Architecture in Europe. Yeah … that’s the ticket.
“Trucking Life …”, as its “enormouosly long title points out,” McCann notes, is “written for anyone interested in the life of a trucker, be that someone considering it as a career or simply a person curious about the lifestyle.” Given McCann’s 19 years of experience behind the wheel, some of it driving team with his wife/ex-codriver aka the Evil Overlord, he notes, some experienced truckers, too, may get a kick out of his humorous dissections of various aspects of the driver’s work.
For instance, his early-on narrative of his own education in the culture and character of the American truck driver — begun while at a factory job overhearing drivers on the docks, yields this:
I had always heard the truckers talking about their pay and how many miles they were getting. It was a lot money more than I was making, so I began to ask them questions as I loaded their trucks. Getting a trucker to talk is not exactly hard to do, as you no doubt can tell by my rambling so far.
Every trucker that heard I was thinking about teaming with my wife as my co-driver gave
me a stiff warning: “If you don’t get a divorce after six months in a truck with your wife,
your marriage will last forever.”
Experienced drivers, too, may benefit from new perspectives, notes Daniel S. Bridger on his blog, where the longtime driver and trainer reviewed McCann’s book. “I’ve been driving for about 35 years,” he wrote, “and found it entertaining enough to read all the way through, so you don’t have to be a ‘newbie’ to enjoy it.”
The book is available for $8.99 in ebook form via Amazon, iBooks, Barnes & Noble, or anywhere else you find ebooks, McCann notes. Included with each text version is a link to download the 9.25-hour audiobook version free of charge, too.
Find more about the book via this link.